Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mother's Message

"Dear children!
May this time be for you
a time of prayer and silence.
Rest your body and spirit,
may they be in God’s love.
Permit me, little children, to lead you,
open your hearts to the Holy Spirit
so that all the good that is in you
may blossom and bear fruit
one hundred fold.
Begin and end the day
with prayer with the heart.
Thank you for having responded to my call."

Our Lady of Medjugorje's July 25, 2011 Monthly Message

This morning in prayer I said,
"Speak Lord, your servant is listening." 1 Sam 3: 10
And the word I heard
was rest.
"Rest, I just want you to rest right now."
And I added, "Could you please confirm that word?"

Finding Our Lady's monthly message this evening
was confirmation.
She is giving her children the same message,

How hard is it just for us to rest?
To give ourselves permission to rest
and not feel guilty that we're not
accomplishing something?
How important is it
to heed the Lord's command
to rest on the Sabbath?

We need this to maintain
a balance in our lives of
action and contemplation.
We need rest in order to
become women of peace.


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